
Showing posts from December, 2011

Dear 2011

Sometimes I feel like this.... I feel like saying you left me with nothing at all But then I think of the new relationships, the strengthened friendships, the better understanding of who I am... So instead all I will say is... "Happy New Year Happy New Year May we all have the vision now and then  Of a world where every neighbor is a friend Happy New Year Happy New Year May we all have out hope, our will to try If we don't we might as well lay and die You and I"

Food for thought

I read somewhere never to piss off a woman with a shotgun and GPS. It really should read "Never piss off a woman with a shotgun, GPS or a blog" The age old saying that the pen is mightier than the sword is so very true in this. The blog let's you vent your anger, talk about your amusement and name and shame, should you feel the need to. I recently Google'd some of the names I've written on my blog in the past and low and behold, it comes up in the search. This has given me brand new food for thought for when venting to name names and perhaps in the process warn some innocent people out there of some or others idiotic/deceiving/manipulative/bipolar behavior. Ooh goody, this could be fun ......