
Showing posts from January, 2012


How do you make someone hear that doesn't listen How do you make someone see that is blind How do you make them feel when their heart is numb Do you whisper to yourself Do you look the other way Or do you simply give in to the pain And walk away....

The love letter from the movie "Beyond Borders"

Although it's old, I love it so much, I thought I'd post it.... "I wonder -  do we all know where we belong? And if we do, in our hearts, why do we so often do nothing about it? There must be more to this life, a purpose for us all, a place to belong. You were my home, I knew it from the moment I met you, that night, so many years ago... Perhaps we are all refugees from something. But I see now there's nothing to fear - that the world we hold on to, the lives we cherish are a part of something greater, something more. When I look at my children, I see it so clearly - that hope, that chance of life; and I know its worth fighting for... I hope that when you're reading this letter, that I'm sitting next to you and you're telling me that I'm stupid for writing if and crazy for trying to find you! But how could I not? Its you...All this time, so many years apart - I've missed you! But I have never been without you. I've woken up with you every ...

Haiku 1

As love never cease     Across the oceans, I see It saves me from here

Face of Moho Finals!

Now I know that most of my blog readers are actually also my FB friends but every now and then someone stumbles upon my blog by accident. For those that have, please log on to Facebook and from this link vote for me as the new Face of Moho!! There's no need to install any apps, no need to do anything but click "Like" on the picture of me. Mucho thanks peeps!!!