35 Things I learnt before turning 35

The below list is not in order of priority, they are all equally important to me :) Happy reading! Start every day with a grateful heart - nothing will give you as much joy as being thankful for what you already have instead of being miserable thinking about what you don't have. Gratitude is the doorway to bringing abundance into your life. Don't compare yourself to others - we're all on our own journey in this life and each responsible for that life. Live it by just doing you. Do you to the best of your ability. You do you and I'll do me ;) Don't hold on to the hurt of a past relationship for too long - hold on long enough and you'll hold on just to ruin any potential relationship. Cry until your tears dry but don't cry too long. Every relationship is allotted only so many tears before you have to put on your big girl pants and move on. Remember that you are born a complete person. You don't need anyone to complete you. And when ...