
Showing posts from 2019

Keep rising sisters!

Thanks to Grey's Anatomy and Dr. Dixon way back in 2008, I didn't have to Google Asperger's Syndrome when Greta Thunberg came around.  What has surprised me this week though, after her powerful speech at the UN, are the responses from "adult males" on social media. Their fragile little egos using words like "mentally ill, stupid girl"...and my first thought was "I wonder if he drives a Ferrari to compensate for his really tiny balls"  If you look at the recent protests and marches, the majority people standing out there are females. The female energy is rising and the uneducated male finds it threatening. But that won't silence us all. We will rise. We will continue to raise our voices. We will make our arguments not only loud, but very smart as well. The antiquated mindsets have got to go. Females are by nature more nurturing than males and in this time of turmoil, on this beautiful planet we currently call home, we the female energy...

Do you feel it too?

The rise of the feminine energy is all around us. More and more people are becoming conscious of their surrounding and opening up to a more spiritual way of being. The conversations grow louder and louder and more and more are joining the party! I call it a party, coz we're all woke over here and we're all loving our lives on the daily. You see, the main thing about spirituality is taking responsibility. You take responsibility for your KNOW your thoughts create KNOW that you are in charge of your own happiness ...and you know a bad moment , doesn't equal a bad life . You wake up every morning grateful for the things you have right now, in this moment. Yes, your goal may be to one day speak at a conference in front of a 10,000 people but it didn't happen today. So what are you going to do? Are you going to stay home and mope all day because today was not the day or are you going to take today and prepare for that day? Are you going out the...