Do you feel it too?

The rise of the feminine energy is all around us. More and more people are becoming conscious of their surrounding and opening up to a more spiritual way of being. The conversations grow louder and louder and more and more are joining the party! I call it a party, coz we're all woke over here and we're all loving our lives on the daily.

You see, the main thing about spirituality is taking responsibility. You take responsibility for your KNOW your thoughts create KNOW that you are in charge of your own happiness...and you know a bad moment, doesn't equal a bad life. You wake up every morning grateful for the things you have right now, in this moment.

Yes, your goal may be to one day speak at a conference in front of a 10,000 people but it didn't happen today. So what are you going to do? Are you going to stay home and mope all day because today was not the day or are you going to take today and prepare for that day? Are you going out there and meeting people that would be part of that 10,000 people you will speak to one day? Do you actually really think everything happens over night? Sure! Keep on believing that your overnight success doesn't need 10 years of hard work leading up to it. Take responsibility! Do one thing every day towards the life you want to lead. You have to show up for yourself in order for the life you want to lead, to show up for you!

I've gone thru some very real changes over the last few years. I've had some dark moments...some of them were pitch black, I felt blind! You know what happens when you can't see? When there's no light from any side? You start relying on your other senses. You tune in more to what your body or your gut instincts are telling you. And just like that, BOOM, your magic returns and you realize you don't need light to shine on you, you ARE the light! I've had people leave my life and I thought my light went with them. I've had people enter my life and they made my light shine even brighter. And then I realized, the people that left were draining my light and that is why it was time for them to leave. So that I can be where I am now...shining a light for others to see and to light up their darkness. Old friends have come back into my life and their lights have grown just as much! When we used to talk about the next party, we now talk about the next healing! People change. People grow. The only constant in life is change.

So, all of my ramblings, let's bring it back in to my first sentence on this post...The rise of the feminine energy is all around us. Women are speaking up. Women are taking control of their lives. Women are becoming sisters instead of competing with each other. They help each other rise. They fix each others' crowns. They stand united. And as you can see, it's not sitting well with all men out there. But let's be clear...there are the conscious and the unconscious masculine energies out there. The unconscious is egotistical and fearful and trying to silence the voice of the feminine. So right now, it's everyone's duty to help wake them up. Teach them. Show them that equal co-existence is not only possible, but much needed in this day and age if we're to grow. The feminine energy is the one that brings forth the nurturing and caring of the planet and all beings on it, and we need more of that.

So go forth, shine your light and spread your love.


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