The girl with the Golden Aura

With strong conviction she moves forward
Guided by the highest good
She holds her integrity, respect and freedom close
Seeing clearly now

With confidence, courage and strength
She journeys on
With determination, she seeks the positive side of life
Cutting lose from the negativity she has around her

She holds within a strong protective energy
She empowers others as much as possible
A aura so strong
It took her a long time to acquire
To ensure she was strong enough

Word play on my SRT reading for my aura :)


  1. as i said once The phoenix...thats u honey..

  2. What doesn't kill us, makes us stronger. I will rise from the ashes every time I can!

  3. You are not of gold, don’t believe the lies.You are put to dust, once again you’ll rise."Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam"
    That's how i see it!!!

  4. Well, it's not "made of gold" it's more to do with my character. U have to agree that I do posses those qualities though ;)

  5. yes goga, you do never did say otherwise just wanted you to know you're speciel and nothing can stop you from getting what you want


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