Sweet temptation

I talk to you
But I should not
I think of you
But I must not
I whisper your name softly
I can not

I look at you
And think of "What if"
I dream of you
And wish to never wake
I think to touch you
And know I never must

You are my apple on the tree
The forbidden fruit I'd like to eat
I know I need to walk right past you
But still I stop to stare
To see if I can resist
This sweet temptation that is you


  1. i love the way u take simple words and make art..food for soul..i think we all felt at some point like eating the forbidden fruit and some of us they actually did it!

  2. food for soul...just like that! Coz a temptation is sort of like food, it gives you a craving that you must fight and if you don't, you have that momentary pleasure...like being full after a good meal :)

  3. how can you fight the temptation? you can't and you wont. human nature that's all there is to it. when something if forbidden that's what you crave the most.

  4. Some of us are stronger than our nature. I deal with fighting temptation every day...and I haven't caved yet ;)


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