Sexism...alive and kicking?

We all know the age old feud of sexism. Let's not pretend equal rights has been around forever.
What baffles me in this whole charade is that although today's men are so progressive with their Ipads, Iphones, Blackberries and cars that no longer need to be wound up before chitty bang banging off, they still put women in a box different to theirs.
I, for example, am the only female in my area that does my job. And I do it better than most men. This is fine and perfect really, because females are known to better time manage, so here I get praised when I do something just as good as a man.
But when it comes to relationships and dating, men still seem to think that they need to be the alpha partner. The women should not be earning more than them, she should not have had more sex than them and for damn sure she should not move on before them. Now tell me, how is that ok? Is it that their male ego gets bruised or is it simply that can't handle independent women? I think when women went out to fight for equal rights, it was equality on all counts.
A guy goes out to pick up a random girl and he's the man, standing in the corner bragging to his friends. A woman goes out and picks up a guy and she's a slag. But the funny thing here is the caliber of people either sex picks up...a man would easily pick up a slag or gold digger for a night of fun, whereas a woman would look for someone that seems trust worthy. In this day and age, no woman would just take some strange man back home with her. So she would look for the more decent types.
Now what I need to make sure is clear here, a man picking up a woman is very different from a woman picking up a man. Women don't generally go home with the guy that came up to them with a cheesy line. We go home with the "stolen glances" guy. You know the one that stands a bit separate from his friends and keep looking your way and then you both take a few steps towards each other. The age old mating dance ;)
And no, that does not mean we want a relationship from you. We have the same primal instincts that all animals have. But chances are the independent woman that chooses to pick you up instead of getting picked up, is slightly smarter than average, knows she's got what it takes to hold her own, and won't be after you for what you can give her.
So, how's about we stop the sexism already. Women have realized, that if a man can it, she can probably do it better ;)

From my inner feminist that comes out to play every now and then ;)


  1. You’re 100% right, we've proven in many occasions we're worthy of respect and equality we can hold the same jobs and do it much better, and we add our special touch.
    We don't do things just because we can but because we see something other than what men do.
    yes there're those superficial “ladies” who just want someone to take care of them still doesn't mean we all are, we stand side by side Strong and confidante able and capable to do just what we’ve intended to in the first place.
    So guys do your self a favour next time and try to look for the "stolen glances" you might actually find it more interesting

  2. lol!! Ryma! Now u see, this is why we're friends so long! We think so much alike man! And FYI, you are really making sure Morocco hits the number 2 spot when I get to 1000 hits...soon :)

  3. Well written gal :) keep it up....

  4. Thanks Anu!! I'll keep it up if you guys keep reading ;)


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