Friends and Family

Friends and Family; what is the difference really?

Family are the people we are born into
We can't chose them, we can't decide who they are or will be
We can't make them think the way we think
We can't make them see things our way
Family, connected by DNA, but how well connected are you really

Friends, like I always say, they are the family you chose
They are the people you want to let into you life
They are the people that you pick because you think alike
And sometimes they know more than your family does

So does that make one group more important than the other?
Does one have to be heritage and the other have to be sanity?
Or can the borders cross?


  1. why we talk about borders?if there is love there is no borders..and family is where love a result i am ur family!!

  2. ευχαριστίες! u know it! :)


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