The romantic in me

The romantic in me is a very simple girl really.

Top 5:
Most romantic date - Breakfast in bed. Don't ask me why, but I love it!
Most romantic flower - Orchids! 2010 has been 1 of my luckiest years so far...I got at least 3 bouquets with them in it
Most romantic gesture - Holding my hand when walking. I completely hate holding hands because I'm not an invalid, but with the right person, it's like walking on sunshine
Most romantic place - The beach. It doesn't really matter where in the world you are, the sound of waves are just so soothing.
Most romantic thought - "He sent me an sms/called me up, just to say hi"

So if romance is this simple, why is it so hard to find?


  1. If I may I would tell you why this time. It’s so easy we live in a World where we don't take time to appreciate the simple things a flower, walking hand in hand means a lot but mostly forgotten. A man who would think like that is hard to come by and once you find him it quickly fads.
    Trust me on this I know what I’m saying

  2. Well, it's either that or just too many men have been taken for granted or have been with women that want material things to make them happy. Can't blame it all on the guys...somewhere in his life a woman messed him up and that's just how the cycle works.
    But true, if u find the man that knows its the small things that count...chain him up and never let him go! hahaha!!


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