
Do you believe that you are daily surrounded by energies? Well, I do. It's just one of my quirks. I think that there's a lot of energies around us at all times....positive and negative.
Negative clearly affects us in negative ways. For instance if you're not happy at work, you're not going to put in much effort. Instead you'll be less productive than most happy workers around you. Negative energy is like a "downer". And the weird thing is, we attract this energy to us by the way we think. Our thoughts is what attracts the different energies to us.

Here's an example of how one thought can turn full cycle:
I get to work in the morning, not in a good mood coz I had to take a cold shower. I get here and 1 person asks me something that I think is stupid, so that annoys me. I then go into a sulk mode where every small little thing pisses me off and I avoid conversation as much as possible. I finally leave the office and go home. Now I bring all that negativity from the office into the house, so I start to feel depressed and probably pick a fight with someone, just to vent some anger. I finally go to bed pretty frustrated and all in all, wasted 24hrs of my life being angry because of a cold shower!

But then there are those positive days, you know the ones where you love it in the morning and you walk with a bounce in your step. A slight smile on your face (I say slight coz if you're walking around with a massive smile on your face all day, people might think you're a little koo-koo)and the whole day just goes smooth. From a friendly chat over a early morning coffee, to a great lunch, to meeting friends or a loved one for dinner and having great laughs.

But how do you get from negative to positive in 1 day? I mean, do I really want to waste a month of angry due to cold showers during my life? So how do you change that whole day? Positive thoughts...not as easy as it sounds, especially if you're like me and just can't do cold showers. But hey, the cold shower had nothing to do with the colleague that just asked that question about the thing they are not sure of, so why take it out on them? Right? So you change your thoughts at the first chance you get. For me, it will for sure not be during that cold shower! But perhaps if I walk to work, it will make up for the coldness :)

Then there's energies from people around you. You know you can feel it but you still deny it. Why is that I wonder? I mean, I can feel when someone doesn't like me and still I try to be nice. It's draining! And at some point you have to say to yourself "Fine, you don't like me? Fuck off, problem solved" Then there's the jealous energies, where someone compliments you and you can feel that they are not happy for you but really wish it was them instead of you. Or the people that don't like you coz you're successful, rich, funny or pretty (I'll just clarify for a second that I'm the funny one coz I have no money to speak of! haha!). I mean really man, can you now not like a person coz they are someone you want to be? Why not work on yourself then to become someone you like? Coz really, jealousy stems from not liking yourself all that much. (And the jealousy I'm talking about here does not apply to relationships between couples, where the one cheats or something)

So really, with all this buzzing around you all day, how does one stay positive? Well, at the moment I'm wearing 3 different Greek Eyes on me (yes, I believe in those things), I also have the key chain filled with like 20 tiny eyes and I take time to be quiet every day. And I can't really remember when last I had a negative day. But that's coz I found a new way to start my day that just works for me...blaring music loudly in my ears for at least 10 minutes before entering the office! What a difference a great tune makes.

So surround yourself with positivity is what I say! Negative energies, people and thoughts should be kept at a distance. Today your friend, tomorrow your foe...u will know the real from the fake


  1. well i have nothing more to say but BRAVO; you made it sounds so simple! everyone should try and find the one thing that can help him/her go from (-)to(+)

    keep it coming GOGA

  2. Aw thanks Goga! Thanks for commenting. I like to hear people's thoughts on my writing abilities :)


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