
Showing posts from November, 2010

Loss and grief....

I've learnt that u should never ask people, in these situations, if there's anything u can do, because u can't. I learnt that no matter how much people say they are sorry, it is not their fault. I also learnt that saying "i know how u feel" is a lie, because all of us experience grief in a different way.

I am Ego

Challenge me and I will engage Insult me and I will retaliate Stroke me and I will succumb Follow me and I will lead Make me feel inferior and I will strike out An honest opinion to me, doesn't count Tell me lies to feed my hunger See my faults, release my anger I am but a small part of you I am the unseen driving force I blind you to the truth I am Ego

Microexpression obsession

I just recently learnt about microexpressions, yes I know, it's 2010, where the heck have I been? Strangely enough it was thru a tv series and then it became my new obsession. Who would've thought that by paying closer attention to the microexpressions people have on their faces when saying something or not saying anything at all, you could find out what they were feeling in that precise moment. And the reason I say microexpression and not just expression, is that some people are able to put on a fake smile but seconds later, for a split second, you will see how they truly feel. Like when someone gives you a sympathy smile. Originally the science was limited to identify these human emotions: disgust, anger, fear, happiness, sadness, surprise and contempt. The studies were later refined by Dr Paul Ekman who came up with Facial Action Coding System (FACS). So, want to see if you are able to tell the true human emotion on someone's face? Check out this test :) http://www.cio....
I always knew that external wounds healed more easily than internal ones

Your eyes

I stare into your eyes The deepest ocean I've ever seen The bottomless pit in which I fall Never ending, always falling I see them in my dreams And in my waking state Your eyes, the piercing stare That looks right through me Was I ever really there?
Proximity without intimacy... the truest form of hell -Dante

She - By Isaia Arvanitou

she is giving colors from wherever she pass... she is sharing feelings she makes u laugh... she has the power hold ur heart... she holds u tight when ur falling apart.. a mix of craziness and some tones of lust.. ladies and gentlemen this is my gabs.. Written yesterday by my lovely friend Isaia. Must say it feels good to have someone write something about me :)
Few things in life are worth fighting for: Freedom is one of them Freedom of speech Freedom of choice Freedom to be YOU!

It's the thought that counts...

Or is it? I generally put thought into a gift when I buy it and it doesn't really matter the price as long as it's something I think the person would like and can use at some point. I've recently have a few disagreements with people and I've noticed the common thing I got reminded about was "Remember when I bought you that gift" or "Remember when I did that for you" So really, how does that win you any points in the argument? If I for whatever had a argument with someone I really cared about, I would not bring up stupid shit like that but instead make it clear why I want them in my life. Why I can't afford to lose them. Not some superficial argument, that probably just shows to you once again why it is that this person should not be in your life. I have few friends that I would do anything for and I'd rather have very few of them than have hundreds that just are friends with me for some quota to fulfill on their lists. It should always be the...

...and the highest blog view goes to....

It's obvious!! After 1400 views of the blog, Fernando James has hit the ball out of the park with the highest views. If u knew him as well as I did, this wouldn't surprise you at all!! He's the second best person I know (I'm the best ;) Dude, you inspire me to become a better person with every conversation we have. I pray to the Universe, that you will never change and only become even better. Coz no one can stop you from being the best! They ain't got nuttin on you!

Amare et Sapere Vix Deo Conceditur

Roughly translated as: Even a God finds it hard to love and be wise at the same time And yet it is expected of us, as mere humans, to make sound choices when it comes to love. When love enters, reason leaves. Emotion takes over and rationality goes out the window. It's a weakness really, to fall in love. You have no control over the emotions you're feeling and if you do, then it's not love. But in the light of day, life would be so much harsher without our unique rose colored glasses...
When you stop to look and start to see It makes a little more sense between every blink

Fernando James

Sometimes I get inspired by people around me...this is one of those times... I raise you as my own This little boy with the brightest smile He grows to be a kid with energy and humility He grows to be a teenager without angst He becomes the man you think will never exist He keeps your secrets and tell you no lies He remains forever childlike in humility He respects you without expecting it back He shows you that there is good in the world He creates a feeling of happiness when he's near He has a sense of being unique to his age He loves you, even when he's sad He takes the time to know you well He doesn't judge on how you look He stands tall and proud When you hear his name, you want to say: "Can you hear the drums, Fernando?"

When the sun shines

Chapter 1 She wakes to see the sun no longer shines She looks around to find her way in the dark She finds a hand that's reaching for her And in the dark she trusts completely Chapter 2 It's nearing dusk now She starts to see the hand that she was holding She tries to release and find her own way She slowly walks into the unknown Chapter 3 When the sun shines, she sees clearly She follows the path she has found She walks more confidently She found her way