Microexpression obsession

I just recently learnt about microexpressions, yes I know, it's 2010, where the heck have I been? Strangely enough it was thru a tv series and then it became my new obsession.
Who would've thought that by paying closer attention to the microexpressions people have on their faces when saying something or not saying anything at all, you could find out what they were feeling in that precise moment. And the reason I say microexpression and not just expression, is that some people are able to put on a fake smile but seconds later, for a split second, you will see how they truly feel. Like when someone gives you a sympathy smile.

Originally the science was limited to identify these human emotions: disgust, anger, fear, happiness, sadness, surprise and contempt. The studies were later refined by Dr Paul Ekman who came up with Facial Action Coding System (FACS).

So, want to see if you are able to tell the true human emotion on someone's face? Check out this test :)



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