
The long awaited cd of my fabulous friend, Salha is now done! And this is my "review" of it...

The cd starts off with the song Addiction, which has a bit of a Arabic sound to it. The song explains the journey of being addicted to something or the title clearly hints at! And when you listen to it, you think of that guy/girl you dated at some point that you just couldn't let go off! No matter how bad it was, you still went back for more.

One of my favourite songs on the cd is Believe....through the heartache and pain she's been thru in her life, she never gave up in believing in love. Her belief of course is why she's found the awesome Karlito to spend her life with. "It's my time now, please send me my prince, coz I'm growing tired of all the frogs that I've had to kiss" Ladies, get ready to become addicted to this song after your hearts been broken one too many times!!! But never give up on love.

The cd has 10 original songs on them and in my opinion the song that will be on the charts is Nothing At All. I still remember the first time I heard that song, the hair on my body stood up and I cried, in public (something not seen all that often. The song speaks to the broken heart, like not even a Celine Dion song can! I crank the song up really loud every now and then and have a good cry, because yes, it will make you cry more than once.

I love the journey of the flows like a story....from heart break to finally breaking free and it being Over. I'm not writing up on all the songs, coz I want you to buy it and listen to it without me giving too much away!! hehehe!!!

Trust me, this will be one of the best CD buys you will make this year....whether you're male or female, you will find that her music speaks to you.

So contact me if you want to buy a copy for your collection!!

Have a listen here to some of the songs


  1. Fabulous review!
    Not putting "Nothing at all" into spotlight encourage everybody to listen to it and you are absolutely right - not even "My Heart Will Go On" touched me as strong as "Nothing at all".

  2. u forgot to mention ''let me go''...i wont even try to find words to describe it ..simply amazing ..


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