What does your name mean? Your name is no accident

Growing up, I used to make fun of my own name. I mean having sisters with lavish names like Renalde, Kenoline, Jacqueline...I always used say my parents got real lazy when it came to me (coz I'm the baby) and stuck me with the shortest name possible: Gabby...five letters, no more and it's not my nickname but my full first name. Or say things like "It's an English word that means talk a lot" ðŸ¤¦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
Somewhere during the process of growing up (I'm still doing that btw), I realized that although my name is an English word that means "talk a lot", I do have a thing about talking. I can't stand lies or people that lie. I'd rather tell you the ugly truth than try to placate you and make you feel better with a lie. I sometimes also say things that sounds wise beyond my years and for some reason, people come to me for advise (yeah, not so sure about that one but ok) and I've been told that I "speak things into existence" (telling someone 10 years of their life in advance is not me speaking things into existence, that's just me being gifted. haha!) ðŸ’«ðŸ’«
So, I did some more growing and started to put things together. The name Gabby comes from Gabriel, who lo and behold, happens to be an Archangel. And guess what, Archangel Gabriel is the Dude that heals your Throat Chakra...the Archangel of Communication. He helps you speak your truth and claim your personal power. But most importantly, let's you speak the truth to yourself. And we all know, if you ain't true to yourself, you ain't true to nobody. ðŸ’–
Soooo, what does your name mean? 


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