
If home is where the heart is
And there's no place like home
And the place u always return to is home

Then why is my heart no where near my home?
Why is my home a place so far away?
And why do I not see myself returning there?

If you find your true love
Why does no one tell you that you might not be his true love?
Then does that mean true love does not exist?

If your happiness in love is directly dependent on the other person
And you can't make them happy
Does that mean you should not be happy?

If all questions could be answered
Would life be easier or
Would we simply find another way to make it hard for ourselves?


  1. no matter how hard we try and understand the meaning of it , we always end up questioning our decision making.
    love does exist, happiness is one step ahead we just need to perceive in achieving it at the end we all get home.
    we all wanna go home....


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