Just a thought....

I sometimes wonder how it is that I can see so much and see so little at the same time... Bits and pieces here and there of things to come. It makes me sound like a crazy person at times trying to articulate what I've seen, especially when it's not something good. I remember when I told my sister my mom would pass away and she told me I was just a little crazy and to put down the tarot cards. But only, I didn't read any cards for that....

And why is it though that when you warn people of something bad to come, they refuse to listen until it stares them square in the eye and there's nothing else to do but face it and accept it. I know, change can happen at any time, but rarely have I had a change in seeing something in advance. My morning dreams are my guides and those guides are so accurate, they could make money being tour guides in the Bermuda triangle!! I sometimes just figure out the meanings too late....enter dream of my sisters house being flooded the morning before her son almost drowned... The  little short story I wrote has had 8 things come true in it...not in exact ways that I've written it, but in similar detail and timeline. And that thing only has 10 chapters and a epilogue (to those that read it, don't worry about the character Mika is based on moving to UK!! hehehe!!!)

So my thought here is: I'm blessed with a gift, a gift that seems to keep growing and yet I can't always figure out exactly what it means, until its just a little too late. So is it a gift or....?

Just a thought....


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