Why did I move to Dubai..?

Those that know me, know that I've never been able to really answer this question. I always replied with the same thing; "I was reading a magazine with my mom a year before coming here and saw an article on Burj Al Arab and said that's where I'm going. When I got the job in Dubai, I had no idea that 'building' was in the same country."  I put it all down to perhaps a coincidence or maybe even fate.

Well, I think I finally figured out the answer...and that in a space of an hour after reading The Celestine Prophecy! If I play out my life in SA, had I stayed there, chances are I'd still be going to church 5/6 times a week, be married to some church guy and probably have a crying baby somewhere. I'd be happy, coz I'd have known of nothing else. 

But I moved to Dubai and my perception of everything around me changed bit by bit, day by day. This might come as a shock but when I moved to Dubai I hated muslims because of riots that took place in Cape Town by a muslim group called People Against Gangsterism and Drugs (PAGAD). In SA, muslim folk don't wear traditional dress every day but mostly on Fridays, their Sabbath. This group however used it to cover their faces when they themselves went out and caused chaos, in the name of 'justice'. They went to a drug lords house and burnt him alive outside his house, with his family watching. I thought that all muslims were like that....needless to say, I was wrong. Let's not forget that those acts was like manna from heaven for the churches because they could indoctrinate us more with thinking that there's only one way to salvation.

Another hot topic of 'hate' for me was lesbians and gays...and why, coz my step brother decided to throw himself out the penthouse coz his gay lover left him. (See how narrow minded I was?? Phew!) Getting to know some great gay people in Dubai made me rethink that 1 off event as well. See, both events that made me actually dislike an entire group were due to 1 single off event. And seeing how stubborn I am, it's kinda hard to change my mind when I've made it up.

And so, I finally came to the conclusion last night why I moved to Dubai: To grow as a person

I know and respect more religions and cultures now than I may have had I stayed in my bubble back home. I've made more friends with various backgrounds than I would've back home. I've learnt to be a better version of myself. Granted I did not do this in the same short space of time as our main dude in The C.Prophecy, but I did get there. I've become spiritual and more in touch with everything around me in the past few years. I've increased my potential by not only relaying on my dreams to guide me but started reading tarot cards, which lead to the ability to do have more vivid dreams with more meaning, which lead me to find like minded people, leading me to SRT, leading me to feel and deal with energies around me, leading me to Angel readings, leading me to be find out who I really am. Spirituality has increased my positive outlook on life and I now make a conscious daily decision to be positive (note Facebook status updates friends! hehe)

So why did I move to Dubai? To become the best version of me that is possible....and now that I know that, I think it might be time to start teaching and sharing this more openly ;) I mean The C.Prophecy does make you take a closer look at your coincidences....


  1. Loved reading this G. I can't imagine the girl you were 'before' Dubai.
    I also don't really know why I moved to Dubai, but upon leaving I know it shaped me to be who I am (although I don't know if that's better or worse haha), but yeah, it's a great place to have opened up our eyes to the 'real' world. Xx

  2. I was pretty much the same except a bit narrow minded. haha!!! I really think despite all the bad that's happened to me in Dubai, it shaped into a better person. Sooo now, where to move to next to spread my awesomeness? hehehe


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